Advanced Learning

If standardized purchasing training does not convince you, you are right with us. We develop a bespoke package at the highest level, exactly for your needs and along your real company or department-specific problems and opportunities. Efficiency, realism and sustainability are guaranteed by applied advanced learning methods on your companies actual and specific challenges.

Action Reflection Learning

Learning complex contexts does not succeed over ’sonication‘ or theoretical approaches and examples, but exclusively works through a combination of knowledge transfer (input), practical use and reflection on experiences. We offer you and your teams not only action-based learning but at the same time also help you to work on, or solve current problems/projects or tasks.

Strategy Development
Purchasing Intelligence
Organizational Development
Controlling and Reporting
Advanced Learning
Indirect Spend Management

Discover our unique services

Call us now

Swoboda + Company GmbH
Theaterstrasse 1
D-30159 Hannover

Tel.: +49 (0)511 / 23 55 56 -0

Swoboda + Company Switzerland LLC
Via Giuretto 2
CH-6707 Riviera

Tel.: +41 78 80 33 2 99


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