Controlling and Reporting
Purchasing usually represents a large, if not the largest, single spend block in a company. Purchasing performance is difficult to quantify – it is, after all, overlapped by commodity and market fluctuations, currency movements, specification changes, to name but a few. Other value drivers, such as risk of innovation, quality and risk mitigation must not be lost sight of. Standard solutions do not exist. We offer you controlling concepts and routines for the effective performance management in purchasing: value-oriented, proactive and action-guiding.
Purchasing Controlling and Performance Management
Measuring the purchasing performance and re-discovering progress in profitability (P + L) is one of the biggest challenges. We offer you solutions which balance the necessary differentiation and pragmatic simplification. In this way, you can make key effects such as purchasing success, currency shifts, commodity price developments, volumes and mix transparent at a manageable expense and not only increase the credibility of your purchasing success but also the understanding of the impact of market conditions. Together with you, we define key performance indicators and develop cockpits for monitoring.
Predictive Forecasting
We can’t predict the future, but we can help you to establish traceable and forward-looking controlling, with custom-made model calculations and market price simulation tools with accessible information (market price indices).
Financial Instruments for Purchasing
Sound tools for decision-making are essential for complex tasks with manifold impact parameters. After more than 20 years of market experience, our solution portfolio has expanded into a variety of problems thanks to many successful applications. Whether amortization calculation, MoB (Make or Buy), TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), efficiency or complexity considerations – we have the necessary know-how and the most suitable model calculations.
Swoboda + Company GmbH
Theaterstrasse 1
D-30159 Hannover
Tel.: +49 (0)511 / 23 55 56 -0
Swoboda + Company Switzerland LLC
Via Giuretto 2
CH-6707 Riviera
Tel.: +41 78 80 33 2 99
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